Solon residents and those in Ward 6 will vote on a rezoning amendment May 7 that, if passed, would allow Liberty Ford to proceed with their expansion plans.
Liberty Ford in Solon hopes to expand and modernize its car dealership, but will need approval first from the city's voters.
Passage of Issue 8 would allow city council to rezone adjacent properties so the dealership to expand its showroom.
The Solon Chamber of Commerce has endorsed the rezoning. At a recent city council meeting Chamber President Jim Kelvington said the rezoning would improve the aesthetics of that part of the city and perhaps improve the chances for new development in the area.
But residents of the Solon Park Estates condominiums across the street from the dealership have said they oppose the rezoning because of increased noise and traffic in the area.
*Ballot Language*
A majority affirmative vote throughout the City and in Ward 6 is necessary for passageShall the Ordinance rezoning PP#s 954-02-035, 954-02-036, 954-02-037, 954-02-038, 954-02-039, 954-02-040, 954-02-041, 954-02-042, 954-02-043, 954-02-044, 954-02-045, 954-02-046, 954-02-047, 954-02-063, 954-02-064, 954-02-077, 954-02-078, 954-02-079, 954-02-080, 954-02-081, 954-02-082, 954-02-083, 954-02-084, 954-02-085, 954-02-086, and 954-02-087, totaling approximately 5.69 acres located on Aurora Road near the intersection of Aurora Road and Solon Road from the current C-3 Commercial Zoning District to the C-4 Motor Service Commercial District, be approved?
Reported by Patch 14 hours ago.