The operators of Aurora Coffee will close their Virginia-Highland location in May, according to a post on the shop's Facebook page.
The coffee shop opened in 1992 and remains independently owned. Though the location near the intersection of Virginia and Highland has set May 21 as its last day of operation, the business will continue at its "flagship" location in Little Five Points.
Owners Eric Levin and Madonna Hill thanked customers of the Virginia-Highland location in their Facebook post:
We'd like to thank you for twenty years of commitment to an independent business, one that we were proud to purchase in 2006. ... We are excited to concentrate all of our resources into our main location, and we hope we can entice you over to Little Five Points.
Beloved by many in the neighborhood, Aurora Coffee won the Best Coffee Shop category in 2012 in the Virginia-Highland/Druid Hills Patch Readers Choice awards.
*See also:*
Last Call for the Steady Hand Pour House Reported by Patch 17 hours ago.