!['Why Did My Tax Bill Go Up?' and Other FAQs About Your Big, Fat Property Tax Bill](http://c5b2b09d95bea06d193f-25f4e468921c86f65f576cb0e5ccf473.r15.cf3.rackcdn.com/2489-Why-Did-My-Tax-Bill-Go-Up.jpg)
Here are some frequently asked questions about your big, fat property tax bill, which should be arriving in the mail shortly.
The Q's and A's are courtesy of your Kane County treasurer's and assessor's office.
*Q: My assessed value declined; why did my tax bill go up?*
A: Your taxes may be higher than they were last year for any or all of four general reasons:
· The local governments (such as schools and municipalities) in your area may haveapproved a higher tax levy than last year.
· While most properties in the county have a lower value than last year, the rate ofdecline can be different. If your property’s value declined at a faster rate than theaverage decline in your area (say 20% as compared to an 8% average), your relative taxburden will be less than it was last year. If your property’s value declined at a slowerrate than the average decline in your area (say 5% as compared to an 8% average), yourrelative tax burden will be more than it was last year.
· You may not be receiving all homestead exemptions for which your property is eligible.
· Other properties in your area may qualify for one or more homestead exemptions forwhich you are not eligible.
*Q: Where does the property tax money come from?*
A: It comes from all types of property, according to its proportional value of the total property in the county, but the biggest chunk is residential property:
· Farm Land—1.9%
· Railroad—0.1%
· Residential—74.9%
· Industrial—8.2%
· Commercial—14.9%
*Q: Where does the property tax money go?*
A: The largest portion goes to the school districts; the remaining portions go to the other local governments in the county:
· Fire Districts—3.0%
· TIF/Other—2.4%
· Townships—2.5%
· Libraries—3.1%
· Forest Preserve/Parks—6.8%
· Municipalities—9.7%
· County—4.5%
· Schools—66.5%
*Q: Does Kane County decide how much in property tax that the local governments (such asschools and municipalities) in my area can levy?*
A: No; each local government makes this decision independently. Kane County has noauthority to issue any property tax levy but its own.
*Q: Did Kane County increase its property tax levy over last year?*
A: No. The 2011 extended levy for Kane County government was $53,909,117.97; in 2012, itdropped to $53,906,247.94.
*Q: Did my school district increase its property tax levy over last year?A: The answer varies by district; please see the following data:*
**School District**
*Batavia School District 101*
· 2011 Extended Levy—*$65,073,467.25*
· 2012 Extended Levy—*$65,880,224.36*
· Percent Difference—*1.24%*
**Geneva School District 304**
· 2011 Extended Levy—**$76,157,197.03**
· 2012 Extended Levy—*$78,466,343.06*
· Percent Difference—*3.03%*
*St Charles School District 303**
· 2011 Extended Levy—*$150,127,683.18*
· 2012 Extended Levy—*$154,438,492.98*
· Percent Difference—*2.87%*
*Q: Did my city/village increase its property tax levy over last year?*
A: The answer varies by city or village; please see the following data:
*City of Batavia*
· 2011 Extended Levy—*$6,702,671.39*
· 2012 Extended Levy—*$6,658,151.298*
· Percent Difference— (*-)0.66%*
*City of Geneva*
· 2011 Extended Levy—*$6,281,192.04*
· 2012 Extended Levy—*$6,357,841.44*
· Percent Difference—*1.22%*
*City of St. Charles*
· 2011 Extended Levy—*$12,055,127.18*
· 2012 Extended Levy—*$12,055,127.02*
· Percent Difference—*0.00%*
*Q: If I think my assessment is incorrect, is it too late to file an assessment complaint?*
A: Generally, yes; by state law, complaints to the Board of Review must have been filed within 30 days after your township’s assessment roll is published in the newspaper. The onlyexception is if there is a discrepancy in the physical data about your property, such as theassessment being based on a 2,400-square-foot house when you actually have a 2,200-square-foot house. To compare your property’s physical attributes to the assessmentrecords, contact your Township Assessor.
*Q: How does the Tax Cap law apply to Kane County?*
A: Kane County is under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law which places a limitation onthe total amount of property tax that can be levied by most local governments. Generally,the law limits the increase of a local government’s tax levy by 5% or the rate or inflation(whichever is less) over the highest levy of the prior three years. This law provides that alocal government’s property tax levy is developed independent of property values, andproperty taxes can rise or fall regardless of what happens to property values. Also, it doesnot apply to:Increases due to newly constructed property;
· Bonded indebtedness of a local government;
· The Home Rule Communities of Aurora, Batavia, Elgin, and St. Charles;
· Increases approved by the voters through referenda.
*Q: How is my property’s assessment determined?*
A: For most non-farm property, the Township Assessor estimates the fair cash value of theproperty, and then develops an assessed value based on 33.33% of that fair cash value ofthe property as of January 1 of the assessment year, based on the three prior years of sales.The Supervisor of Assessments then equalizes all assessments to provide for uniformvaluations in the County. Information about farm assessments can be obtained from theCounty Assessment Office.
*Q: What will happen if I don’t pay my property taxes?*
A: Your taxes may be sold at the annual tax sale, which is held in October of each year. If yourtaxes are sold, you will retain the right to redeem your property for two and one-half yearsif it is your principal dwelling. Other property must be redeemed within two years. Toredeem it, you will have to pay costs and interest in addition to any tax due. For moreinformation, contact the County Clerk’s Tax Redemption Department. Reported by Patch 3 hours ago.