March 29
· Someone entered an unlocked door and two other times entered the apartment with a key at the Blakely Apartments, taking medication.
March 31
· Someone kicked in the door of Family Healthcare.
· A man was arrested for assaulting his wife and his 16-year-old daughter with a belt while intoxicated.
April 1
· Police responded to multiple vehicle thefts at an apartment on the 20000 block of NE 15th Avenue. The suspect stole one car, crashed it in a hit and run accident, dumped that car, then tried to steal a second car, then stole a third car.
· Police received multiple reports of vehicle break-ins, in which the perpetrator(s) brok into cars and stole loose change, mostly on 147th St. N.
April 2
· A truck was stoeln from Goodwill.
· Someone stole a laptop while the victim was at a gas station on the 17500 block of Aurora Ave. N.
April 3
· Police received a report that a gun had been stolen from the Roadway Inn on Aurora several weeks earlier.
April 5
· In responding to a suicide threat, the man reported that there were stolen weapons in the home. Police found found stolen rifles in an attic.
· A car was stolen from the Fred Meyer parking lot while its owner was shopping.
· Reported by Patch 23 hours ago.