Editor's note: The following is a press release from Dist. 129.
West Aurora High School will host a cheerleading camp for girls in elementary school from 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Feb. 18, in the school’s blue field house, 1201 W. New York St., Aurora.
No previous cheer experience is required. Girls will be taught basic cheerleading essentials such as arm motions, jumps and stunts. They will also be taught a floor cheer to perform at half time of the home boys’ basketball games Wednesday, Feb. 20.
Girls in kindergarten through second grade will perform at halftime of the 6 p.m. sophomore game. Girls in grades third through fifth will perform at halftime of the 7:30 p.m. varsity game.
The cost of the camp is $35, and includes a cheerleading camp T-shirt, snacks and two tickets to the Feb. 20 basketball games. The registration deadline is Monday, Feb. 4.
Parents of Dist. 129 students can register online here. They will need their child’s I.D. number. Parents of non Dist. 129 students can register by printing and filling out this form and delivering it to Assistant Cheerleading Coach Alicia Ropeter at West High, 1201 W. New York St., Aurora.
For more information, contact Coach Ropeter at aropeter@sd129.org. Reported by Patch 13 hours ago.