Shooting tragedies like the July 2012, Aurora, Colo. movie theatre massacre, the December 2012 Newtown Ct. school shooting, and recently, a six-year old Toms River boy who was shot and killed by a four-year old friend have sparked huge debates throughout the country on gun laws.
A recent Quinnipiac University poll found that 58 percent of New Jersey residents want stricter laws when it comes to gun control in the state.
Comments are pouring in from Patch readers from all over to weigh in on the issue. Here is what people are saying about the Toms River incident:
*Chester Boro Resident*
"There are no words that take any of this pain away. Can't imagine any child being in this predicament. My heart goes out to both families. Why are people against gun control? This is why. You cannot expect people (even if they can pass all the gun procedures) to be responsible. Do not give public access to guns! And I am saying this as a registered Republican, but I am wondering why."
*VietNam Vet
*"This has got nothing to do with gun control, it's a matter of where the hell was the parents when this other kid got a hold of the rifle. Another kid left to do whatever he wants, and someone else gets hurt. If the parents were responsible and locked their guns up, like responsible gun owners do, this kid never would've been shot..."
*Art Vatsky
*"This sad incident seems to strengthen the case for liability insurance for gun owners. It would make gun owners think about protecting their weapon from misuse. The state requires automobile insurance to protect others from vehicle misuse. Why not the same for gun use?"
*"Incidents like this are grossly all too common in this country."
*What do you think of adopting new gun control? Let us know by voting in the Patch poll! * Reported by Patch 58 minutes ago.