The following is a news release from the city of Shoreline:
Beginning this spring, Metro Transit will be installing new bus shelters and signage along Aurora Avenue N as part of its planned bus rapid transit (BRT) service known as RapidRide. This unique form of bus service will run from the Aurora Village Transit Center to downtown Seattle via Aurora Avenue N, replacing Route 358. Named the E Line, service is scheduled to begin in February 2014.
BRT service is designed to be convenient and easy to use. With service at least every ten minutes during the morning and evening commuting hours and fifteen minute service the rest of the day, bus riders do not need a schedule. All buses have low floors and three doors, allowing riders to get on and off quickly, automated ‘Next Stop’ displays and audio announcements for upcoming stops. Larger, busy stops known as “stations” will have electronic signs displaying when the next bus will arrive, maps of the routes showing all stops and destinations and ORCA card readers that allow card users to pay in advance and enter through any bus door.
All stations and shelters will have weather protection overhead, interior lighting for safety and visibility, lights on top of station shelters help identify them from a distance and the unique RapidRide style and color scheme. Bus stops will be located at every signalized intersection on Aurora Avenue N within Shoreline, with stations at N 145th Street, N 160th Street, N 175th Street, N 185th Street, N 192nd Street and the Aurora Village Transit Center.
When designing and constructing the improvements to the Aurora Corridor, the City of Shoreline coordinated with Metro Transit to install much of the infrastructure and technology that will help make RapidRide service fast and reliable. For example, the City installed an integrated intelligent transportation system that allows buses to “talk” to traffic signals and move more quickly through the corridor.
*Are you looking forward to the RapidRide line? Do you think it will help Shoreline bus users?* Tell us in the comments.
For more information about the RapidRide E Line, visit King County's RapidRide website or contact Senior Transportation Planner Alicia McIntire at (206) 801-2483 or amcintire@shorelinewa.gov.
*Previous coverage on Patch*
King County Council Approves Rapid Ride Alignments Including E Line to Shoreline
Moving Target Reported by Patch 19 hours ago.