Two trail sections of the Illinois Prairie Path near Ferry, Diehl and Eola Roads will be closed beginning Monday, April 8, to accommodate utility work being performed by NICOR.
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The Aurora Branch, between Ferry and Diehl Roads, and the Batavia Spur, between the Aurora Branch and Eola Road, will be closed to all traffic while NICOR maintains and upgrades its gas delivery system located in its right-of-way running along the north side of Interstate 88.
Both the Aurora Branch and the Batavia Spur are anticipated to be closed until October.
A detour will be provided to take trail users of the Aurora Branch and Batavia Spur along Eola and Ferry roads to avoid the utility work and continue along the open sections of both trails. Signs will be placed on the trails to indicate closed sections and available detour routes. To access a map of the detour, visit the DuPage County website
Questions or concerns can be directed to the DuPage County Trail Coordinator at TrailPathCoordinator@dupageco.org or by calling 630-407-6920.
For more information on the City of Naperville, visit www.naperville.il.us.
Submitted by the city of Naperville Reported by Patch 5 hours ago.