The following incidents are selected from Shoreline Police reports for March 11-18. Where an arrest is noted, it does not indicate a conviction.
March 11
· A woman parked and locked her van at Edward Jones in Richmond Beach. She was gone for just 15 minutes, during which time someone smashed the window and grabbed her purse.
· A known drug addict and prostitute was reported for shoplifting at Goodwill.
· At Trinity Presbyterian, someone shattered the passenger window of a van and stole miscellaneous car equipment.
March 12
· A man reported that he went to the Shoreline Motel with another man, where they smoked crack together. He fell asleep and awoke to find his cell phone, ID, and debit cards stolen.
· Another smash and grab car prowl was reported, this time at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. A purse had been left in the car.
· A Shoreline man was arrested for aggravated assault after strangling his long time girlfriend until she nearly lost consciousness.
March 13
· A woman, who was home alone reported that someone broke her rear slider door after ringing the doorbell around 10:30 a.m., then ransacked the back bedroom and fled before police arrived.
· A woman reported that someone had stolen an escrow check she had been waiting for on the 1300 block of N. 176^th St. and cashed it.
· Someone fired an unknown “projectile through the window of a Barista Coffee stand on Aurora Ave. N.
March 14
· A Dodge Ram pickup was stolen from Rich’s Car Corner on Aurora Ave. N.
· Several smash and grab car prowls were reported around Shoreline.
March 15
· A man strong-armed a victim at a bust stop on 14800 5^th Ave N, taking the victim’s bag.
March 16
· A Shoreline resident was charged with fourth degree assault after allegedly kissing a small girl on the mouth at McDonalds on Bothell Way.
· A car was stolen from Highlander House’s parking lot on N 183^rd Street. The next day a car was stolen from the 17100 block of 25th Ave NE
March 18
· A Shoreline resident discovered a 9mm bullet embedded in his house on the 19300 block of 2^nd Ave NW. Reported by Patch 5 hours ago.