*March 25 *Gustavo A. Rojas Jr., 27, of the 2400 block of Columbia Lane, Montgomery, was arrested at 4:06 a.m. at Route 30 and Fifth Street and charged with a DUI, driving on a suspended license, the illegal transportation of alcohol, having no insurance, improper lane usage and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident after crashing into a semi-truck, said Oswego police. He was transported to Rush Copley Hospital with injuries.
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*March 24 *Josephus Turner, 62, of the 500 block of California Avenue, Aurora, was arrested at 8:51 p.m. at Cannonball and North, Bristol, and charged with driving under the influence after deputies witnessed him weaving within the lane of travel and he failed field sobriety tests, said the Kendall County Sheriff’s office.
*March 24 *Tyler Perkins, 20, of the 1100 block of Long Grove, Aurora, was charged with driving under the influence at about 3 a.m. March 24 near Montgomery Road and Crown Street, according to Montgomery police reports. He was initially stopped for driving without lights when required, police sai
*March 23 *Alfonso Dagoberto Aguilar, 36, of the 0-99 block of Marnel, Montgomery, was arrested at 2:44 a.m. at Galena Road and West Highland Drive, Bristol, and charged with driving under the influence and a property damage accident, said the Sheriff’s office. Deputies had responded to a single vehicle rollover in which Aguilar’s vehicle left the roadway and ended up upside down on a residence lawn. Aguilar was also cited for improper lane usage, illegal transportation of alcohol and operating an uninsured vehicle.
*March 23 *Bryan Hibben, 28, of the 2500 block of Deerpoint Road, Montgomery, was charged with driving under the influence at about 2:20 a.m. March 23 near Galena and Orchard roads, according to Montgomery Police reports. He was initially stopped for improper lane usage.
Police report information is provided by local police departments. Charges are not evidence of guilt. They are a record of police actions on a given day, and persons charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court. If you or a family member are charged or cited and the case is subsequently adjudicated, we encourage you to notify the editor. We will verify and report the outcome. Reported by Patch 4 days ago.