The PSAs are crafted in such a way as to make viewers feel like past votes for candidates other than those who support more gun control opened the door to the 2007 Virginia Tech attack and the 2012 Aurora theater attack.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the first of the two PSAs shows a man reading a newspaper account of the Aurora theater shooting and "blood begins to trickle down his fingers and onto the paper." In the second one, "a group of young people [receive] the news of the 2007 Virginia Tech campus shooting while blood drips from their hands and onto their smartphone screens."
The PSAs are described as a part of a "campaign for rational gun regulations," which is part of the ongoing push for the kind of universal background checks, new gun show regulations, and new Internet gun sale rules. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), gun control proponents Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly, and one-percenter Michael Bloomberg have been the biggest proponents of these new regulations.
The PSAs do not mention that background checks are already the law of the land and that Virginia Tech gunman Seung-hui Cho and Aurora theater gunman James Holmes both went through background checks to acquire their firearms. Nor do they mention that the common denominator in both attacks was that they happened in "gun-free zones," where already overbearing gun regulations provided criminals a target-rich environment by forcing law-abiding citizens to sit unarmed.
Pellington is best known as the director of music videos such as Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" and the 2002 feature film The Mothman Prophecies.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. Reported by Breitbart 11 hours ago.