Five people were injured in a major traffic accident involving a 20-foot-long box truck and three passenger vehicles just after 6 a.m. today (Wednesday, March 13) at Fabyan and Kingsland, Batavia Fire Department and Geneva police officials said.
Dispatch originally reported people were trapped in their cars and multiple passengers were injured in the accident on East Fabyan Parkway west of Kirk Road, and incident command from Batavia called for an EMS box alarm to get multiple ambulances to the scene.
As of 7 a.m. traffic was backed up in the area at and around the accident scene.
Geneva Police Department Cmdr. Julie Nash said at around 8:45 a.m. that the accident had been cleared and at least three people were taken to the hospital. A full report was not expected until late Wednesday.
A Batavia Fire Department press release said five were transported from the scene. One was in serious condition, three were moderately injured and one sustained minor injuries. Another person refused to be transported and signed a medical release.
The Batavia Fire Department was assisted by amulances from Geneve, St. Charles, Elburn, North Aurora and Aurora fire departments.
No firefighters were injured and the cause of the crash was unknown at the time the press release was issued. Reported by Patch 21 hours ago.