I really don't blame you if you don't bother to check out today's Friday box office report. The boring... it burns, it burns! Two years ago, when we had the first weekend of September as a basically vacant weekend, there was at least somewhat of an excuse. Warner Bros. (Time Warner Inc.) had intended to release The Gangster Squad on September 7th, 2012. But the Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting that July caused the studio to recut the film, which had initially featured a movie theater mass shooting as its second act climax, and slot it in January of 2013. For whatever reason, nothing jumped in to fill the spot, even in a September where the last two weekends of the month had four new releases apiece. The lone new release of this weekend two years ago was CBS Films’ The Words, a Bradley Cooper/Jeremy Irons drama, and I spent most of my box office report discussing the IMAX-reissue of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Reported by Forbes.com 17 hours ago.