This means Bloomberg is coming alongside other one-percenters--like Bill Gates, Nicolas Hanauer, and Steve Ballmer--to heave gun control onto the shoulders of Washington state residents.
As Breitbart News reported on August 26, Gates and his wife have given $1 million for the gun control push, Hanauer has given well over a $1 million, and Ballmer and his wife have given nearly $600,000.
The gun control they are supporting--Initiative 594--will require an end to private gun sales in the state of Washington so that every gun buyer, whether buying from a sporting goods store or a neighbor, will have to go through the same background checks Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara gunman), Ivan Lopez (2014 Ft. Hood gunman), Paul Ciancia (LAX gunman), Aaron Alexis (D.C. Navy Yard gunman), Nidal Hasan (2009 Ft. Hood gunman), and James Holmes (Aurora theater gunman) went through to get their guns.
The Seattle Times reported that the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not impressed with Bloomberg's decision to enter the fray in the Washington state gun control push, but it is not surprised, either. Committee Chairman Alan Gottlieb said, "It looks more like 'Every Billionaire for Gun Control' wants to buy this election. Voters should be very concerned that their rights are for sale."
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. Reported by Breitbart 9 hours ago.