Solon Police recently arrested two drivers and charged them with drunken driving in the last week. Here's a roundup of those arrests taken from police reports.
Remember, these are only charges, and not convictions.
· A 27-year-old Middlefield was arrested on March 6 and charged with drunken driving. He was pulled over for speeding Aurora Road. The driver failed to provide a sufficient sample of breath for a breathalyzer test.
· A 55-year-old Solon woman was arrested March 7 and charged with drunken driving. She was pulled over for a lane violation at about 11 p.m. on Pettibone Road near Liberty Road. The woman submitted to a breath test with a result of .154, over the legal limit of .08.
For information on blood-alcohol and how many drinks it may take you to be over the legal limit, consult the PDF chart attached to this post. Reported by Patch 14 hours ago.