After allegedly abducting the girl from the family’s home in Baxter, Iowa, the man was tracked down and stopped by family and friends who managed to retrieve the girl. Police arrested LaVera soon after, the Des Moines Register reported.
The suspect reportedly had met the young girl in Newton and then connected with her on Facebook. LaVera’s Facebook profile lists his occupation as a self-employed Action Actor/Musician in Los Angeles. The Baxter Police Chief said the Facebook communication led to LaVera driving to Baxter to pick the girl up, and noted: “This isn't somebody that just wants to be friends. And typically this is the kind of person that meets a profile of somebody that can be a predator and can be dangerous.” according to the Register.
LaVera is being held on $50,000 bail for counts of enticing a minor, carrying weapons and failing to have a valid driver’s license according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.
LaVera reportedly was a guest speaker and performed stunts at Aurora Heights Elementary School and Berg Middle School, according to the Newton Daily News. Reported by Breitbart 1 day ago.