![Purchase of New Coroner Vehicle Delayed](http://488fc89ac72431f8cfe5-22373534b39b802d509d94143f4f462c.r52.cf3.rackcdn.com/2530-Purchase-of-New-Coroner-Vehicle-Delayed.jpg)
A procedural error prevented Kendall County officials from purchasing a new vehicle for the Kendall County Coroner's office, the Aurora Beacon News reported.
The vehicle in question, a sport utility vehicle equipped with an additional $3,000 - $4,000 in new equipment, would cost the county a base price of approximately $37,000. However, because the cost was above $30,000 the county needed to solicit bids for the vehicle -- something they failed to do. The motion was tabled until requests for proposals can be sent out, the Aurora Beacon News said.
The coroner currently uses a 2002 Chevrolet Suburban with 124,000 miles. Coroner Ken Toftoy reported the vehicle has been having mechanical issues, including a steering problem. Reported by Patch 16 hours ago.