![Gun Control Ad Starring Gabrielle Giffords to Air Before State of the Union](http://538de0a579fa4c2a36fc-a383d4fc09959ae85f8ceb5e0f9ff128.r96.cf3.rackcdn.com/2170-Gun-Control-Ad-Starring-Gabrielle-Giffords-to-Air.jpg)
According to the Associated Press , Giffords will push background checks as a way to "make it harder for criminals and the mentally ill to get guns." She will say, "9 out of 10 Americans support background checks."
On December 4, Breitbart News reported a CNN poll that showed "50 percent of Americans oppose more gun control," and only "49 percent" support it.
Breitbart News also reported those who killed innocents at the Mall in Columbia, Arapahoe High School, the DC Navy Yard, LAX, and the Aurora Theater, would not have been stopped by background checks because they all submitted to background checks to acquire their firearms.
As Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) admitted last year, the failed Senate background check bill would not have prevented Adam Lanza from carrying out his heinous crime at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly "are scheduled to appear before the Washington State legislature Tuesday, [just] hours before Obama's SOTU speech." They will be there "to testify in favor of a state initiative to expand background checks."
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins.
Reported by Breitbart 15 hours ago.