In other words, the site of what the Daily Mail described as a January 25th "murder-suicide" did not allow guns on its premises.
This meant law-abiding citizens could in no way defend themselves when 19-year-old Darion Marcus Aquilar brought his 12-gauge shotgun into the mall to carry out his heinous deed. FOX 45 Baltimore reports that the shotgun used by Aquilar was legally purchased at a store in Montgomery County in December.
This also means the murder-suicide at the Mall in Columbia joins the list of so many other incidents in gun-free zones in the past few years: horrible attacks like the ones at Ft Hood, the Aurora theater, Sandy Hook Elementary, and the DC Navy Yard, where guns were used to kill innocents in gun-free zones.
As Breitbart News reported on September 17th, gun-free zones are just "mass shootings waiting to happen."
Gun-free zones encourage what some of the nation's more stringent gun control laws are unable to stop.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkin.
Reported by Breitbart 2 hours ago.