There are never enough hours in a day, our over-connected culture often says. But connected devices worn nightly do not aim to lengthen our days with more tasks; instead, they help us optimize the hours we do sleep, and thus improve the quality of our working and playing hours.
For some, better sleep is achieved through lucid dreaming, or being aware that you are dreaming, an experience said to lower stress and improve performance at tasks you "practice" in dreams.
See also: The Gadget That Reaches Inside Your Dreams
Lucid dreaming is explored and encouraged through conferences and online forums, and now, gadgets. The Aurora headband, from iWinks, debuted on Kickstarter this month and has already raised double its goal Read more...
More about Productivity, Sleep, Kickstarter, Lifestyle, and Health Fitness Reported by Mashable 4 days ago.
For some, better sleep is achieved through lucid dreaming, or being aware that you are dreaming, an experience said to lower stress and improve performance at tasks you "practice" in dreams.
See also: The Gadget That Reaches Inside Your Dreams
Lucid dreaming is explored and encouraged through conferences and online forums, and now, gadgets. The Aurora headband, from iWinks, debuted on Kickstarter this month and has already raised double its goal Read more...
More about Productivity, Sleep, Kickstarter, Lifestyle, and Health Fitness Reported by Mashable 4 days ago.