Police in Trinidad, Colo., arrested two teens on Friday for plotting to shoot up their school, just one week after a Denver student attacked his own high school.
Trinidad Police Chief Charles Glorioso said the school’s resource officer received a tip on Thursday that two boys, ages 15 and 16, planned to attack Trinidad High School after the winter break.
For most of the day Thursday Trinidad High School, Trinidad Middle School and Fisher's Peak School in Trinidad were on lock down, keeping students and staff inside, while authorities made sure that the boys weren’t already in the school.
The boys, who were not identified, face felony charges for inciting destruction of life or property and of making a credible threat to a school, police said Friday.
While the 15-year-old denied having threatened the school, teachers and other students say they heard the boy’s threats. Police said he had been bullied and talked about how he idolized the 1999 Columbine school shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, and the Aurora movie theater shooter James Eagan Holmes.
Glorioso said the details of the attack will not be released. The students may have been plotted the attack for up to six weeks.
It is unclear how deeply the two students were involved.
Sources: NBC News, Los Angeles Times
1 Reported by Opposing Views 2 days ago.