HUMBOLDT PARK — They came by car, by taxi and some by foot.
Drivers who had cars towed on the first night of the city's annual Winter Overnight Parking Ban arrived at City Auto Pound #6 at 701 N. Sacramento Ave., angry, frustrated and tired early Sunday morning to retrieve their cars.
Aurora Ramierez and her husband traveled to the pound by taxi with their two young children, ages 2 and 7 in tow, both still dressed in their pajamas underneath winter coats. Reported by Huffington Post 22 hours ago.
Drivers who had cars towed on the first night of the city's annual Winter Overnight Parking Ban arrived at City Auto Pound #6 at 701 N. Sacramento Ave., angry, frustrated and tired early Sunday morning to retrieve their cars.
Aurora Ramierez and her husband traveled to the pound by taxi with their two young children, ages 2 and 7 in tow, both still dressed in their pajamas underneath winter coats. Reported by Huffington Post 22 hours ago.