By a margin of 54-40, Coloradans oppose the laws; 40 percent of respondents believe the laws make the state less safe.
Breaking down the numbers by party, Democrats support the laws 78-16 while Republicans oppose them 89-7. Independents oppose them 56-39.
By a margin of 68-25, voters say "background checks and a limit on magazine capacity could not have prevented the Columbine or Aurora mass shootings." This is pertinent because Giron has cited the Columbine shooting as justification for her vote for more gun control.
The poll shows that the recall efforts are not popular statewide, which is not crucial at this point because the recalls are not statewide elections. The only Coloradans who will vote are those who can legally vote in Morse and Giron's districts.
In Morse's district, more people signed the petition for a recall election than actually voted for Morse in the last election.
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Reported by Breitbart 2 days ago.